Thursday, November 22, 2007

The line

Have you ever questioned yourself about the line. The line that exists there in a parallel world, the line who look like zig when we zag a line so thin that sometimes can be proven so strong & some other times it can be proved so vulnarable a line.
I remember one of the first commercials i ever made was about important cyrcles are in our lives & how important is to close cyrcles... 4 years later. realized that a life full of cyrcles is a life boring. Life needs a line, life needs this line that will be there will start from one point & it will make so many turns, it will draw it will fill a blank page it will be a line that can make evec cyrcles it can be a line with an end, or even better t can be a life without one. A line that will search for the proper end, and when this line reaches this end then again.. the line is incomplete.Lately one of the things i do to get some inspiration is to listen to classic music & draw lines, draw totally random things which at some point might look beautiful or the might look like a doodle.. I know some of you still wonder why you spend time reading the above.. some others may like it.. but whatever you say i say that Adsurd is Back. :)


Anonymous said...

how about Mobius leave?
could a life be more like a never anding journey.
and how about the experience and the 'can you stap in the same river twice' idea?
you might reach a similar point on the circle but due to the experience you won't see it the same way any more.

Anonymous said...

yay! you're back christos! when are you coming to visit, soon isn't it? keep following the line, mine is aneverending labyrinth, but a fun one, and there are some crossings as well, right now it looks like a plate of spaghetti :D

Adsurd said...

nice to see my good old friends commenting :) thats lovely....Spaghetti e hmmmm i would say it looks like a big worm :()

Anonymous said...

Well said.

Anonymous said...

it's really interesting what you write, and i think like you in this aspects, im waiting your next post!